
Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's a wonder how my PMS have been getting on to me recently. I am an avid surfer of forums, facebook, and what nots. So yesterday, I have been looking at the discussion thread for my flat and someone mentioned that he suspect we can only get the keys in Dec.

Somehow, I had major plans to reno my house and move in before CNY. Getting keys in Dec will be really challenging to finish reno in 1 month! I was so affected by it, and started crying after this sumptuous Frog Legs' porridge dinner. I was sobbing like crazy, complaining about why I always thought that I'm lucky to find a good job, only to realise someone else's pay is higher than me for no reason. Then it's about why I'm always the 2nd fiddle and not the first. Why I can't even go through pregnancy. Why I was never promoted at my old office and after I left, every Tom, Dick and Harry got promoted. And now, even my simple wish of moving into my own house is not going to be granted until next freaking year.

You get the gist. It went on and on, and it went on to why my life sux, and blah blah blah. Yes, this morning, I woke up with swollen eyelids. So I came to work, and decided that today is a busy day, no more surfing of forums, facebooks and what not.

So after I finished my paper, I decided to log on to facebook. And then, I saw people discussing about PCD date which has been indicated on HDB website. It used to state Q4, and we all know Q4 can be Oct, Nov or Dec. So I decided to login to my HDB website and I saw this:

Well, I guess I was worng to blame God for it! Cos I did last night, and I'm sorry. Thank you for making my life less sucky again. I know we are the only block due in End Oct, as some blks are due in Nov or Dec!

Hopefully this means that I can get my keys in Nov, in time for Reno and moving in before CNY. Then I can start my great baby making plans!
And yes, I know, I should be happy and contented with what I have because as toot says, there are people who are worse off than me.

La La La~~~

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Another 'friend' who thinks she is level above me. Come on', less than 2 weeks before your wedding, you insist I should go for your wedding even though I told you long ago that I will not be attending since it's so close to my sis's wedding and it's we are particular about red clashes with red.

To be frank, this was an excuse, I just don't want to attend her wedding. So what if we have been long time friends. Years ago, she lost my phone and promised to subsidise me for the phone, it never happened. Everytime we are out, she was always late. During our birthday celebration (yeah, born in the same month), she arrived after we finished our meal. Hello??? Since when are you the VIP. Loads of irritating things about her and after her Diva showoff, I decided my sis's wedding was the perfect reason not to go to her wedding.

Anyway, after our dinner yesterday, yeah, I had to go for old friend's sake, she decides to sms me today she really hope I can attend her wedding. I bet it's because one of her sisters opted out and she has no one else. I tried to be nice by telling her my family is particular, and I'm sure her mum is. First, she responded and said that, it's my sis's wedding and not my wedding, so I should not worry. Come on, my sis is also my family right? Then she started telling me that she asked her mum and her mum is ok.

Now, 1 month ago, I said the same thing, and she didn't bother to say that until less than 2 weeks to her wedding. It really pisses me off. Can't she just bloody leave me alone!!! I don't need a friend like you who just use me as you wish! What kind of excuses saying you hope everyone will be there. I already know 1 person who is not attending, and I'm sure it's because she has an additional seat now!

Yes, maybe I'm just being a bitch and trying to find fault, but seriously, back off and stop your stupid smses. They don't even sound sincere.

Friday, August 19, 2011


I feel so sourish. Talking to her about her pregnancy makes me feels sad. The way she mention how pantang she is to not attend our friend's wedding or baby show until 4 months is over blah blah blah. In my first pregnancy, I went on to become her jiemei, as I didn't want to be known as pangtang and of course, I wouldn't want to miss my close friend's wedding. Well, I guess certain sacrifices or decisions that I made led to my regret now. Perhaps if I have decide to just risk my friends, my baby would have been almost 1 year old?

Sometimes I feel guilty for having evil thoughts, but I can't help it, if they know how I feel, they shouldn't be complaining about morning sickness in front of me.

I actually felt that she was boasting about her pregnancy, how her baby is strong cos of her bad MS just like how she boasted about her house, about her wedding and that she should rightfully be married first rather than me and how her pay package is high, how she had so many job offers, how her hubby is doing well in his career. Why do things go on so smoothly for them and so full of pitholes for me?

And one day, I realised my friends... are not friends. Probably long time, close friends, but not someone who knows me and understands me. They are just people who are constantly trying to show that they live much better lives than me.

And I'm so fake to the extend that I'm still meeting these friends. Seriously, I don't really know how to face them. I would love to just enjoy my Friday evening quietly. I hope it will be a fast one.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hard Boiled Eggs

I love egg yolks and never egg whites as they are tasteless and rubbery.
Because I have been putting on so much weight lately, even without any hotdog bun in the oven. So I was reading up on the Dukan Diet and it says eggs have loads of protein and protein uses up more energy to digest, which in turns uses up more calories. You can easily google for the Dukan Diet if you are interested.

So yes, my weeks have been full of chicken breast, lean meat and now eggs. I started of with omelets cos those were easier for me. This morning, I decided to try hard boiled egg. My first attempt and it's now happily sitting in my tummy. So all I have are stock photos on the net. It's freaking easy to make!

I followed the instructions from

  1. Choose eggs that have been in your refrigerator for about a week. They will be easier to peel than fresh eggs but will still have the same great taste and nutrient value.
  2. Place cold eggs in a single layer in a saucepan. Fill the saucepan so the eggs are covered with at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) of cold water.
  3. Bring water to a boil over high heat (with lid on or off, as you wish). When the water reaches a boil, immediately cover the saucepan and remove it from the heat to stop the water from boiling. I turned off the gas when I saw loads of small bubbles.
  4. Let eggs stand in the water, covered, for 18 to 23 minutes (the eggs cook while standing in the boiled water). A large egg will take 18 to 20 minutes. Be sure to set a timer. As I was using small eggs, I let it stood for 15 mins.
  5. When the time is up, immediately drain off the water and run cold water over the eggs until they are cool to the touch.

    As we were rushing to leave the house, I didn't had the chance to run it under cold water. My eggs were still perfect anyway, the whites were soft, no grey lines or rubbery whites. Yums. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Contemporary Theme

So my Sapphire is finally going to be ready soon. The first batch are receiving their HLE letters, I hope I'm on the 2nd batch, so I have enough time for Renos and can move in before christmas!

Here's my style from

I'm really into netural colours. My plan is to have a grey and white theme. Mainly white walls, grey sofa, white console. There's going to be bursts of colours here and there, though I havent decide where. The plan now is to get the house keys soon!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Oolong Milk Tea

My latest obsession: Hot Oolong Milk Tea from Gong Cha.
Oolong Milk Tea

I know I have been advised by TCM uncle not to take tea. It's hard, since daily dose of tea is just like your daily cup of coffee. Tea is the way to kickstart my day. So far, I've limit my self to 2 cups per week so that I don't feel shortchanged. I had more last week since having buffet breakfast at the hotel in Bangkok justifies for it. Bad one, I know.

At least I don't have cold drinks, cos I supposed tea is really liang and Iced Tea is worse. Well, this oolong tea is my latest obsession now, I just had it on Sunday, but the one they did at Raffles City wasn't hot enough. I like my tea hot. Central's outlet is better. I also realised that drinking tea or cold drink gives me cramps now! Is that a sign to cut down?

I hope this cup can last me through the week. Need to control myself!

Anyway, before I left for Bangkok, I went to see the TCM uncle. He's says I can start trying if I wanted to, but I told him that there are plans to move house, so I want to wait, which he agrees as well. I hope this give my body sufficient time to recover. TCM uncle was quite funny that day, sharing with us his family stories and giving me recipes how to do my own soup. I thought he was in a happy mood that day.

Bangkok trip was not too bad. toot went with me, slacked in the room while I had meetings. We tailored some clothes, which was not too bad, but a tad expensive in my opinion and I felt the workmanship wasn't not really worth it. My dress cost me S$140 because it comes with full lining, but the lining was not even smooth and soft, in fact, I found it a bit rough. The good thing is, it's so nicely fitted, I actually feel skinny in it.

Talking about skinny, I've put on so much weight and I have no idea where they come from, especially when I'm not preggers! My clothes and underwear are getting tighter by the day. toot says it because I have this huge worm that is getting fatter inside me, causing me to eat more. Haha. How I wish that was the case. I need to start being more activ!