
Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's a wonder how my PMS have been getting on to me recently. I am an avid surfer of forums, facebook, and what nots. So yesterday, I have been looking at the discussion thread for my flat and someone mentioned that he suspect we can only get the keys in Dec.

Somehow, I had major plans to reno my house and move in before CNY. Getting keys in Dec will be really challenging to finish reno in 1 month! I was so affected by it, and started crying after this sumptuous Frog Legs' porridge dinner. I was sobbing like crazy, complaining about why I always thought that I'm lucky to find a good job, only to realise someone else's pay is higher than me for no reason. Then it's about why I'm always the 2nd fiddle and not the first. Why I can't even go through pregnancy. Why I was never promoted at my old office and after I left, every Tom, Dick and Harry got promoted. And now, even my simple wish of moving into my own house is not going to be granted until next freaking year.

You get the gist. It went on and on, and it went on to why my life sux, and blah blah blah. Yes, this morning, I woke up with swollen eyelids. So I came to work, and decided that today is a busy day, no more surfing of forums, facebooks and what not.

So after I finished my paper, I decided to log on to facebook. And then, I saw people discussing about PCD date which has been indicated on HDB website. It used to state Q4, and we all know Q4 can be Oct, Nov or Dec. So I decided to login to my HDB website and I saw this:

Well, I guess I was worng to blame God for it! Cos I did last night, and I'm sorry. Thank you for making my life less sucky again. I know we are the only block due in End Oct, as some blks are due in Nov or Dec!

Hopefully this means that I can get my keys in Nov, in time for Reno and moving in before CNY. Then I can start my great baby making plans!
And yes, I know, I should be happy and contented with what I have because as toot says, there are people who are worse off than me.

La La La~~~

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