
Saturday, August 20, 2011


Another 'friend' who thinks she is level above me. Come on', less than 2 weeks before your wedding, you insist I should go for your wedding even though I told you long ago that I will not be attending since it's so close to my sis's wedding and it's we are particular about red clashes with red.

To be frank, this was an excuse, I just don't want to attend her wedding. So what if we have been long time friends. Years ago, she lost my phone and promised to subsidise me for the phone, it never happened. Everytime we are out, she was always late. During our birthday celebration (yeah, born in the same month), she arrived after we finished our meal. Hello??? Since when are you the VIP. Loads of irritating things about her and after her Diva showoff, I decided my sis's wedding was the perfect reason not to go to her wedding.

Anyway, after our dinner yesterday, yeah, I had to go for old friend's sake, she decides to sms me today she really hope I can attend her wedding. I bet it's because one of her sisters opted out and she has no one else. I tried to be nice by telling her my family is particular, and I'm sure her mum is. First, she responded and said that, it's my sis's wedding and not my wedding, so I should not worry. Come on, my sis is also my family right? Then she started telling me that she asked her mum and her mum is ok.

Now, 1 month ago, I said the same thing, and she didn't bother to say that until less than 2 weeks to her wedding. It really pisses me off. Can't she just bloody leave me alone!!! I don't need a friend like you who just use me as you wish! What kind of excuses saying you hope everyone will be there. I already know 1 person who is not attending, and I'm sure it's because she has an additional seat now!

Yes, maybe I'm just being a bitch and trying to find fault, but seriously, back off and stop your stupid smses. They don't even sound sincere.

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