
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Girl: I love you, dear
Boy: I love you too.
Boy: So, How much do you love me?
Girl: Hmm.. How much do you love me then?
Boy: I love you more than I love you!

Girl: You meant to say you love me more than I love you right?
Boy: Ah, what did I say?
Girl faints.

Girl: I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Boy: I x 10, Love x 10, You x 10
Girl: Aren't you supposed to say I Love You x 10???
Boy: Ok, I love you x 100!
Girl: Why don't you just say I love you to the power of infinity??
Boy: Hmm... I love you to the power of the power of infinity!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

"You don't have to worry about the money. It's my job to worry about these things. I'm supposed to 养你."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dear XYZ,

You have won a3-month subscriptions of Vanilla Magazine* at the Great Eastern International Women's Day lucky draw contest!
You can look forward to receiving the next 3 issues of Vanilla magazine, sent directly to your mailing address by Mediacorp Publishing.
Thank you for your participation and hope you will enjoy reading the magazines!
You can look forward to more initiatives from Great Eastern specially to ensure that our women policyholders can live well, stay healthy and be empowered.
It's great to be a woman!

Warm regards,Marketing Department
Great Eastern Life Assurance Co. Ltd
Reg. No. 1908 00011G

* Prize is not exchangable and redeemable for cash or other items


Btw, the teddy bears doesn't mean anything. I just like them cos they were from Goong la!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You know how it feels when there are certain things that you have to say?
And if you don't say it, you feel so terrible.
Yet you know that if you say so, things will be so different.
There is no meaning to it anymore if I have to say everything out loud.

In fact, I've said it even though I know I would not be able to reconcile at my end.
Till now, I've not regretted saying it.
The only thing that flashes across is, where is everything going to head towards now?
I don't like to label myself a certain way, but deep down, I just cannot help but act this way.
And being the sensitive me, I just feel so....

Do you even understand?
It's not about how it's going to be.
It's about the process.
And the sincerity.
And I'm suppose to feel that it's coming from you.

Why do I feel so alone now?
Why do I feel like I'm driving someone to the wall?

Maybe, it will never happen to me at all.
Much as I would want to be cool about it, I'm never a cool person to begin with.
There is no way I can act as if nothing has happened.
There is no way I can act as if I am a person who does not have wishes and dreams.

I probably can.
I probably have to.

And I will not be me anymore.

Is there anymore meaning to this whole thing?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

29 Months

It's how amazing time flew passed and we've reached our 29th Month! I never thought he could instil such patience in me*. hee.

Well, we had a fun day, cycled from ECP and attempted to cycle to Changi Beach Park. But alas, the rain was too much to bear. In fact, we were pretty drenched as the rain came and went, came and went.

Left with no choice, we went back to my place to shower before adjourning for our favourite Arnold's Chicken! Better than KFC!


Anyway, it's a pretty short week for me with 2 days of training, and Good Friday! Woohoo...finally meeting up with my sec sch friends. It has been so freaking long, and it was really nice to see all the positive response when I sent out that sms. Hopefully no one backs out on that day. Can't wait to meet the girls, especially when one of them has already ROMed, and yet we didn't went to help her. So so guilty. Am also pretty sure there's going to be lots of bitching session again. I missed these sessions!


*You know my dream was to get married by 27, and it ain't gonna happen. Shucks.

Monday, March 10, 2008

International women's day

I used to like to make sure I don't waste my weekend by waking up early, sleeping late, planning a full day event. Nowadays, all I want to do during weekends is to sleep, slack, eat. No wonder the fats are creeping back into hometown.

Anyway, we went to Sentosa on 3 8 day. Pretty fun! On the canopy bed, sea breeze, fun, boliao games. Loads of laughter which makes one tired and hungry, and we ended the night with yummy supper. Wonder when we'll get to do it again? All 6 of us? Always on for triple dating. hee

Really wanna leave town on good friday weekend. Too bad we can't get anything interesting. Let me know if you have any suggestions? No Malaysia though, especially since Mas Selamat is still out there. haha

Then again, it's Daniel's 1 year old birthday party next sat! so looking forward!

Long week ahead. I hope everything goes on smoothly.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Imagine being pyscho-ed to get a flat in Punggol?
I can't believe myself at times.

I think I must be crazy to even explore the idea.
Fortunately, nothing's available at the moment. So I got conned!

Funny how sometimes I get so extreme that I can't stand myself, yet, I can't help it at all.

Life is weird.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Went to watch Juno today.
It's a pretty good show, very meaningful and kind of sad at the end.
Guess we all wanted Juno and BF to keep their baby in the end, which didn't happen.

A very meaningful conversation between Juno and Dad.

Juno: Dad, it's not about that. I just need to know if it's possible for two people to stay happy together forever, or at least for a few years.

Dad: It's not easy, that's for sure. Now, I may not have the best track record in the world, but I have been with your stepmother for 10 years now and I'm proud to say that we're very happy.

In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.


Looking forward to the weekend!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Valentine's day

V-day was a romantic affair. :)
We had pinic by the beach at ECP with Soggy macdonalds' nuggets and wings cos he got them from west coast as he forgot there's Mac at ECP.

I got My Fav Almond Roca.
Pretty handmade square roses which took toot like a few days of effort and he still couldn't make them round. :)

I love the airplanes setting and the tealight candles.

The cats getting it on, and dog chasing cat scene were not so desirable though.

But all in all, I think toot made a huge effort. Really appreciate it.


We went Genting right after CNY. Not too bad a trip. Had a bad time towards the end cos someone was so hooked to the jackpot machine and started ignoring me. DUH.

Anyway, we've come so far. I try to be less picky about things. Sometimes it's really hard to do so cos I don't like it when people take me for granted.

Well, I hope I haven't made the wrong choice. Even so, then it must be God's test for me.

Pardon the choppy and Goddy entry. hee