
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Week 34: Butternut Squash

Hi Sweetheart,

It has been a sick 2 weeks for mummy. First started with cramps after Mummy spoke to an irritating guy on a Friday evening. Then on Monday, the cramps were bad enough that I had to rest at home and go on bed rest. Thereafter, what started as a dry throat developed into the worst flu ever coupled with cough for the whole week.

Finally, decided to go to the doc for medicine, and met a crazy man who refused to leave the doctor's room as he was refused an MC. Anyway, the medicine did help with the sore throat and flu, fortunately. I thought we could enjoy our long weekend, but who knows!

On Sunday, Mummy started having cramps in the afternoon. It was menses like cramps, but bearable. Since, they were supposed to be normal, and they went away after a while, I didn't think much of it.

I then decided, I should make some fried bee hoon and ended it off with a green coconut since there was still remnants of the virus. Lo and behold, I started having cramps before bedtime. It went off as well, so we dismissed it.

However, I woke up at 3plus in the morning and had the worst cramps ever! I was curling in the bed, it was all over my lower abdominal and back. The frequency of the cramps scared me. It was usually once a week or every couple of days. This was 3 times in 12 hours and you are definitely not ready to be out.

Daddy called the gynae and we were asked to go do a CTG at the hospital. At the point of time, Mummy was really worried, what if you decided to come out? When we reached the hospital, I was being strapped to the machine while the nurse asked why it took me so long to come since the cramps started in the afternoon.

Anyway, we got monitored for 30 mins, you were kicking the CTG belt and I was having mild contractions. It seems to be ok, so gynae says I can go home, moreover, the pain subsided!
By the time we got home, the cramps came back again, it wasn't as bad as the previous time, and it slowly subsided, came back with another time and then it was totally gone.

Mummy was so tired, I practically slept and slept and slept. So it looks like I'm actually ok now! I hope you heard what we said to you and decided that you should incubate till 40 weeks ok!
Much as we love to have you with us, we still need to make sure that you will be a healthy, full term baby.

So sweetheart, remember to be patient, your cot is still not here yet! :p

Daddy & Mummy

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