
Friday, April 20, 2012

Kick Kick Kick

My Dear Little Human,

Mummy felt you kicks last night. That was such an incredible feeling. 3 little kicks and my skin stretch. Do you prefer to stay on my right side? I hope you inherit daddy's legs so that you can grow up to be taller.

Daddy felt a little bit of you as well. Are you growing well? We hope you will continue to grow healthily and be a happy baby.

We are so looking forward to meet you next week and to see whether you are a prince or princess and to see that you have grown bigger!

Love Ya darling,
Daddy & Mummy

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Week 16: Avocado

So the baby is now the size of an avocado, 11.7cm in length, weighing about 100grams.
Lucky for me, I hate avocados. They are tasteless. But I reckon I have to start on some avocado milkshake soon. :p

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

4 months down

So I supposed I'm officially at our 4th month milestone today. Have published all the previous drafts which I decided to keep it private till I think I'm comfy enough to share.

It has not been easy, but it has been a happy 4 months.

Next week, we are hopeful about finding out the gender of the baby. Please baby! I really wanna get you something you know. :p

Energy level's definitely up, but I still get nausea when I'm hungry, carsick or ate too much. So hard to please sometimes. Bump is out, someone gave up his seat to me yesterday. Could be because my dress was too tight, but I'm happy. :p

I think I have really been feeling flutterings, baby loves watch the Voice and moves around much when they sing. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't, well, I think it will get more intense since I'm only 16 weeks.

Slowly releasing the good news to my close friends and found out that 1 of them is 1 week ahead of me. We have both been through a fair bit, I know she is still worried, but well, let's pray and have faith that we will finish the whole pregnancy journey smoothly.

So dear little human,
See ya next week, please don't use the umbilical cord to hide your privates again. And don't move so much okie my little darling. Love ya baby.

Of 15 Weeks

We are officially off the 1st trimester. Happily in 2nd trimester and hitting the 4th month next week.
Loads of thoughts running through me because I'm paranoid most of the time. I have been trying hard to negate all paranoid thoughts and making sure I'm feel more positive.

It's a huge milestone and we are really excited and happy. From knowing about the pregnancy, to keeping it hush hush all the way to 12th weeks from the family. I knew I acted odd, but who can fault me after they knew. :p

So far, family and some close friends have been told. I'm thankful for friends who were there for me, friends who helped prayed for this God's Gifts and of course, my spiritual support.

Some summary of the past 3 months. My nausea was bad everyday. Woke up having to eat or puke. Actual puking episodes: 3 to 4 times. The last one was all the way on my 13th week. yeah. Nausea looks like it's diminishing now, though I gagged when I brush my teeth.

For ages, I had not have any nose bleed. I used to have them so often when I was young. For the last 2 weeks, I had nose bleed almost every morning. Used the breath right strips, and they seemed to be better now. *cross my fingers*

Appetite looks like it's coming back! Not much weight gain nor loss till last week when I saw the gynae. But I'm sure I'm gaining some weight now. I don't eat a lot at one seating. Yet. But I get hungry so fast! A lot of food don't appeal to me, and a lot of the appealing food are out of bounds. It's the case of, the more I cannot eat, the more I want. :p

New symptoms are coming in. Last night I had a case of aching pelvic bone. Yes, for the first time, I found out that that part of my body is my pelvic bone. I'm so glad I have an intellect husband cos my brain is getting pea-sized. Anyway, it was causing me so much trouble that I had a hard time sleeping. Where's the honeymoon period har?

Once in a while I feel some 'bloop bloop' in my tummy. I'd like to think that it's my xiaolongbao assuring me of its presence. Another 2 weeks plus before we know the gender. *Hopefully* Gynae was not confident during the last try so we had to try again. In time to come, we can start going blue or pink. Yoohoo.

For the past few months, I supposed I really need to thank toot  for being there, for assuring me, taking over all the housework and duties as a maid. I know, he is going to be a great father.

So my dear little tiny human, we are really waiting anxiously. Each week is a new experience for us and you. See ya in Oct. :p

PS: Hope to look like this. But My arms. *sigh* Don't they ever slim down?

10 Weeks 3 Days

So yesterday we went for our 3rd ultrascan. It's finally becoming realistic to me that dear little xiao long bao is growing happily in the womb. Everyday I pray and pray for the baby to grow healthily and happily and I'm happy to say I'm getting more confident of this pregnancy. Thank you baby for joining us in our lives, thank you God for watching over us.

2 more weeks and we are past the 1st trimester! Can't wait. :p

Almost there

So, during CNY, again people throwing babies to me, hoping that I will get a dragon baby soon.

Well, I really tested positive before on 1st day of CNY.
So far, I have been cautious and weary, it's hard not to be because of my history. Went to see TCM and uncle feels confident this time. Gynae appointment is next week, so till I see the heartbeat, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Bless us!