
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spending way too much on clothes. Need to control control control.

Anyway, I've been to ECP for the past 3 weeks, and started to blade again! If you call it blading. hehe. It was a very fun and aching experience.

Ukraine seminar tomorrow, I hope I can pronouce all the Russian names. Kinda of excited cos it would be at RCCC and it's kind of a high class event since it's in conjunction with RSBF and I'm the oic. *phew* Tomorrow is the day!

Busy week ahead, have to set up booths at another seminar on thur at Shangri La. I love hotels hee.

My khaki is leaving me though. Though she's in for only like 3 months, and is 2 years younger than me, she's a hot mummy and a intelligent one as well. Will miss her and her wise words.

sigh. When will i get to do what I want to?
Or maybe the question is not when. But whether I am willing to sacrifice it all?

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