
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6 weeks

Dear Sweetheart,

Week 5
Weight: 4.75kg
Height: 53.5cm

It has been 6 weeks since you joined us in this wonderful world. A 2kg weight gain in 5 weeks and somehow your height has shrunk!
Anyway, time flew so fast and Mummy is actually amazed that I managed to overcome this steep learning curve, with more to come, I'm sure.

From the beginning, having another person in my home irritates the hell out of me, even though it was my own mum, I was really glad that I made the decision to let her go off and go through the rest of the confinement on my own. It proves to be right, I'm happy, she's happy, and we are all happy.

During the 1st 2 week, your life was about sleeping and latching and shitting.
I'm so glad I pulled through total breastfeeding which helped to clear your jaundice (kudos to the 2 milk friends mummy has been bestowed!)
Thereafter, you started having bouts of painful gas, screaming fits and what not. Everyday, we find ways and means to help you with the gas, keeping you upright, ruyi oil, cycling legs, baby massage. I'm so glad that your gastro has probably grown bigger and is managing the gas better. You are still dealing with reflux, but I suppose we will go through that once you learn how to control the overactive letdown.

Growth spurt days were scary, you basically nurse almost every hour on both breasts when your usual is 10 to 15 mins on 1 breast. I was basically handicapped on the sofa. And to add it on, my nipples still feel bruised even when your latch is ok. *Grits teeth and goes through it*

From the 3rd week onwards, you started to recognise mummy's voice, scent and hold. No amount of Daddy can soothe you from your crying fits. Which is really hard on me, cos I can't rest and I'm really tired. So sometimes, Daddy just have to carry you and let you cry on for a while.

Till now, you develop this bad habit of needing to be cradled to sleep, and crying when we put you down. I'm sure it's a phase that you go through, and I will miss it one day when you refuse to let me cradle you anymore.

Motherhood, is an extremely steep learning curve. I always thought the pain ends with delivery, but no, It continues!
1. The pain starts when epidural subsides.
2. Learning how to bathe you, wear your clothes in under 10 secs.
3. Understand your baby language and facial expression. Ooh, how we love you small o mouth when you shit.
4. Learning how to latch is really tiring for me, the pain, the soreness, I thought we were ok by 4 weeks, but why did the soreness come back again? A lot of mummie's friends are latching professionals, they can latch anywhere, anytime, even when walking, I really hope this day will come for me.
5. Learning to sling you! Ok, I'm not sure if you really hate the pupsik pouch, but you have threw up milk on it each time I try to put you in. Yes, all 3 times! And you look really uncomfy in it. Sigh.
6. Waking up in the middle of the night. For someone who is so used to doing things in the morning and never a night owl, this was terrible. I can't stand the crying, I even smack your butt once (sorry my baby). The moment it's 6am, I actually started becoming better. I'm trying to get used to night feeds, am really working really hard!
7. Bringing you out shopping on my own. So far we have done short trips for a couple of times. More to come ok!
8. Looking at your face change everyday and thanking God for this wonderful gift. And when I feel lost and irritated, I will start thinking that as every day goes by, one day, you will leave Mummy and be a Mummy on your own. You will probably no longer love me as much as I have love you now. So treasure what I am experiencing now.

Love you sweetheart!

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