
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Week 29: Acorn Squash

Hi Sweetie Darling,

And we are on week 29 with 77 more days to go! That's a little bit more than 2 months.

On our 28 week scan, you were weighing 1.1kg, that's only about 350g increase from 4 weeks ago. Dr Chua says you are on track, but Mummy hopes that you will grow more in the next 4 weeks ok? Mummy managed to keep a 1.5kg weight gain for the past 4 weeks, total weight gain is now at 5.7kg. :p

Please work hard with Mummy to grow more okie darling.

For some reason, I'm feeling really happy this week. We're expecting the delivery of your carseat! We bought them last friday, it's the First Years True Fit Convertible Car Seat which will be your good friend in SKAC for the next 4 years at least!

This Friday, we're going to get your stroller. Hopefully, we have a good deal.

This morning, Daddy came in to the room while Mummy was preparing to go to work. He suddenly showed me this checklist of what to prepare for the arrival of your baby. It makes me really happy, cos I can see that Daddy's really excited about your arrival too.

On sunday, we will be going to the wedding dinner of Daddy's good friend. This will be the first time everyone of them will see Mummy carrying you! Aren't you excited? :p

Keep yourself happy and healthy ok sweetheart!

Daddy & Mummy.

Friday, July 6, 2012

88 Days to go

88 is a nice number! So there's 88 more days to go t the big day and it has been a long tiring day!

A toot took leave today while I took mc. :p We went to see the TCM again for our last dose of medicine to boost baby. Was very glad when he says baby is healthy and a very active baby! We really have an active girl! He says that the baby did absorb the medicine that I took, so, well done my sweetheart, good to know that we did not waste any money!

Some stuffs to note:

3rd Trimester
1. Week 29 to Week 31 - To walk more to aid delivery.
2. Week 33 to Week 34 - Increase frequency of birds' nest twice a week for development of baby's lungs.
3. Week 36 - To stop birds' nest after week 36.
4. Week 37 to Week 40 - Take young coconut drink once a week. Do not take the coconut flesh as it's really heaty.
5. Week 40 onwards - Avoid heaty food and tonic. Take neutral and light food so that the baby does not develop rashes when she's out.

After Delivery
1. Wear socks in the hospital to prevent wind from entering through the feet. *Extremely Important as it will affect the uterus*
2. No Ginger during the 1st 5 days after delivery. This is to prevent baby from getting jaundice.
3. Can start consuming ginger after 5 days or 1 week later if baby is cleared from jaundice.
4. Drink only Longan Red Date Tea. No ginger required. No water.
5. If breastfeeding, the breastmilk consists of 3 parts milk and 7 parts water, hence, there's no need for baby to drink water.
6. 1st Day of Delivery: To eat Threadfin Porridge. Just boil threadfin and porridge together without ginger. This is to help replenish liquid in the body. Can do without actual confinement food. It's also easier to digest after delivery as you will be really exhausted.
7. Any medicine given by the doctor to be consumed only AFTER breastfeeding.

If Lack of Breastmilk
1. 1/2 a portion of Threadfin Bone
2. 1/2 a portion of Green Papaya - remove skin and seeds
3. Boil both items together till white soup for around 1 hour.
4. To drink to aid the supply of breastmilk.

Loads to remember!

We went to the Toyogo warehouse to get storage boxes for baby's clothes and loads of other stuffs. Very worth it and so much cheaper. They had these purchase with purchase promotion where we could get toyogo boxes at $5!

Thereafter, it was hospital tour at Mt A after that so that there is no surprises when we admit. Haha.

I'm so extremely tired now but am very glad that everything went on smoothly for us. We only wait 1 hour at the TCM!

Baby is happy too. :p

Our loot from Toyogo!


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Week 27: Rutabaga

Hi sweetheart,

Mummy has no idea what a Rutabaga is! It's probably something I don't eat. But, we are getting there, 1 more week and we'll be on week 28 and we can see you again. Hopefully this time, you will stop your acrobatic antics for a while so that we can take a cute picture in 3D. :p

You seemed to have started to learn dancing in the tummy. All the vibrations I feel during work in the afternoon, woah! You active little girl, I suppose you are trying to keep your weight on track for all the food we have been eating?

It all seems so surreal that in a matter of 13 weeks, you will probably be in my arms, cooing at me and daddy. You know we try our very best to welcome you and give you whatever we can. We just bough a comfy sofa bed so Grandma / Daddy can sleep there while Mummy can breastfeed you on it. Your cot is coming in a month's time, I hope you like it!
The clothes are ready, we just need to get the storage cabinet for you. 

We should be ready for you in time. Again, keep yourself happy and healthy. I know you are going to be a happy baby! 

Daddy & Mummy