
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hack away!

Last week, I called HDB on Monday only to find out that the contractor has submitted insufficient documents for the hacking. Sent a 'harsh' sms to ask him to follow up. There was no updates from him till Friday even though he was supposed to meet us to confirm our carpentry. Finally, on Friday, I smsed him for updates and he told me that the permit is approved and they will hack on Monday.

Yesterday, I had a terrible headache, but we still decided to head down to the flat. And to my disappointment, it has not been hacked! I kinda of expected it as the permit was still not approved on Monday morning. So far, in terms of dates, the contractor has never been able to keep to the time he set. I was so disappointed and was contemplating if I should asked him about the hacking.

Decided to give him till wed or thur before I lash out on him. This morning, I finally saw the approval for hacking on HDB website. Hopefully they start the hacking in these 2 days!

Anyway, last we checked, all the items are already waiting patiently in the house, lights, oven, hob, hood, sink, tap, water heater bleh bleh bleh!

Looking forward!

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