
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Feedback on Meritus Mandarin, Triple 3

from XXX hide details Apr 19 (4 days ago)
date Apr 19, 2008 10:32 PM
subject Feedback on Meritus Mandarin, Triple 3


I've always had a very good impression on Meritus Hotels and resorts.
Hence, I was delighted to have received a dining voucher for 2 at Triple 3.

My partner and myself decided to try out Triple 3 since it has been receiving very positive reviews.
I must say the service was good, the food was amazing.

However, an incident marred the whole experience.

As we were using the vouchers, we highlighted it to the staff who attended to us, we were then told that we do not have any bill since we use the voucher, and we can just leave once we are done.
During the dinner, we decided to order some juices, which we were not sure if it would be considered as part of the buffet.

My partner then asked the attendant if juices are part of the buffet, to which he said, "Yes. as a side order, and there are many juices to choose from blah blah blah."
We then proceeded to order 2 glasses of juices with the understanding that it is included as part of the buffet.

We walked out after we were done, only to have the cashier called my partner to say that we have not paid for the drinks.
The cashier, presumably Ms Anne Wong as indicated in the receipt, told my partner that the drinks were chargeable, to which my partner then said that we thought it was not.
Anyway, we went back to the cashier to make payment.

When we went back, there was no form of apologies. When I told the cashier that we were told it is included as part of the buffet, she mentioned in a not so friendly way that the attendant said "side order".

We may have misunderstood what the attendant meant. But we felt there was no need for that kind of hostility from the cashier. If we meant not to pay for the juices, we would not even have went back to the restaurant or even ask the attendant in the first place.

As a front line service personnel, she could have been apologetic about us having to come all the way back to make the payment and us getting the wrong impressiont that the juices were part of the buffet instead she seems to see us as free loaders just because we were using the free voucher?

This incident happened this evening 19 Apr 08 at 8pm. I left the restaurant feeling disappointed and angry.
If we are being judged just because we are Singaporeans, not Caucasians or Rich Tai tais, just free loaders then I don't see why we should be patronising Meritus anymore.

I hope the management will look into re-training your service personnels especially the front-liners to treat all customers equally.

XXX (Ms)


This email was sent out on the 19th, today is the 23rd and I have yet receive any replies from Meritus.
This says so much about the hotel. And to think I was thinking of booking a weekend stay. Oh well.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I'm kinda nervous about tomorrow. Not a big crowd I think, below 30 pax, but still, these are the big shots of the companies.

Anyway Good Luck to me!


Girl: Dear, if you have a daughter next time, what kind of dance would you want her to learn?

Boy: Hmmm... Ballet?

Girl: If I have a daughter, I would want her to learn salsa.

Boy: What if she wants to learn break dance?

Girl: Hmm, I want my son to learn break dance.

Boy: Anything lor, you just decide and let me know how much, I will just pay for the course fee.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The hours I clock in the office. How I wish I can get a job that doesn't come with this kind of pressure.


Happy 30th monthsary!


Going to Shanghai end of May. hee


Anyone interested? :)




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Wish me good luck!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I have a 7 Zai!

And this 7 zai is turning us into funny people.

Heehee...imagine talking to it and answering its questions.

We even brought it to catch Definitely, Maybe and had dinner at Sakae Teppanyaki.

Sometimes, being crazy is all that we need to let off.

Thanks for being crazy with me. hee

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spending way too much on clothes. Need to control control control.

Anyway, I've been to ECP for the past 3 weeks, and started to blade again! If you call it blading. hehe. It was a very fun and aching experience.

Ukraine seminar tomorrow, I hope I can pronouce all the Russian names. Kinda of excited cos it would be at RCCC and it's kind of a high class event since it's in conjunction with RSBF and I'm the oic. *phew* Tomorrow is the day!

Busy week ahead, have to set up booths at another seminar on thur at Shangri La. I love hotels hee.

My khaki is leaving me though. Though she's in for only like 3 months, and is 2 years younger than me, she's a hot mummy and a intelligent one as well. Will miss her and her wise words.

sigh. When will i get to do what I want to?
Or maybe the question is not when. But whether I am willing to sacrifice it all?