
Thursday, March 7, 2013


I'm putting together her milestones!

14 Jan 2013 - Day 111 - Did her 1st flip
15 Feb 2013 - Day 143 - Flew on the plane to Perth for the 1st time. Spent 5 wonderful days in Perth.
16 Feb 2013 - Day 144 - Went to the Perth Zoo and saw Koalas, Kangaroos and Wallabies for the 1st time.
20 Feb 2013 - Day 148 - Fell from changing bed! :'( PD says she got away with it, cos there were no bruises. Probably slide down or fell on butt.
21 Feb 2013 - Day 149 - Started to crawl backwards
22 Feb 2013 - Day 150 - Held her own bottle and wants to drink on her own thereafter!
25 Feb 2013 - Day 153 - 1st day in Infant Care. Mummy cried buckets!
2 Mar 2013 - Day 158 - 1st High Fever - 39.3 degrees!

5 Months and a bit

So it's been a while since I had the time and energy to update.
The little one is doing so well now that she's a little bit past 5 months.

Before heading to IFC, she had chosed 2 days to show me her milestones. Talk about a load of surprises, she flipped from tummy to back (finally after a month!), she crawled backwards(which also made her fell)!, she started sucking her toes (and no, I'm not pregnant again), sat up supporting with her hand.

She also had her 1st ever high fever after 1 week in IFC and on the 1st day of me returning to work. End up I only worked for 1 day in office, and is still working from home now cos I came down with fever after that. We headed to KK twice because of the fever and finally found out that she had ulcers in her throat! It's a viral infection, same family as HFMD but luckily not HFMD.

She's recovering well now. Screaming her buaysongness all the time. I wonder what happened, she didn't use to be so feisty.

All's well now, I reckon I should be heading back to work again tomorrow, hopefully. Will really miss my little girl and hope she's doing well in IFC.

Weight at 5 months: 7.4kg