
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Happy 2 Weeks Old.

I was right after all. After the last post, I actually went into labour the next day.
Baby Janine arrived safely on 26 Sep 2012, 2231 hours weighing 2.95kg and a whopping length of 54cm. So far, I have not seen any other baby girl with the same length. :p

Birth Story
Found mucus plug at 9am and called clinic who advised me to check in to hospital as I was already 39 weeks 1 day even though my waterbag was intact and I had no contraction. I took my time, asking 
the hubby to take half day. However, clinic called me at 11.30am asking me where I am, apparently my gynae was there waiting for me, ok, I realised later it's because gynae had another mummy at the next door. hah.

Reached hospital around 2.30pm, settled down about 3pm, and nurse started to move my bowel. Got hooked on CTG and was already having regular contractions and 2cm dilated.

Gynae came at 3.45pm, was 3cm dilated. She broke my waterbag and contractions were 3 mins apart. She did say that if my dilation is still slow, they will put me on drip at around 8pm.

Was still managing till 7pm, then hand itchy, went to ask for laughing gas. The laughing gas made my contractions haywired, I lost focus and decided to ask for epidural since I was only 3.5cm dilated then.

After 13 calls, nurse managed to find the 14th anesthetist who reached around 8pm. Apparently, it was really a popular night that day. The drip was administered after the epidural.

Unfortunately for me, I was the minority who shivered from the beginning to the end with Epidural. I shivered with every contractions and actually felt the sensation to push after 30 mins. The nurse did a check again and said I was 4cm dilated and the cervix is very soft, so it should be really fast.

By 915pm to 930pm, the pushing sensation became unbearable, called for another nurse, she said I was already 7cm dilated and should have told them earlier to increase the dosage for epidural. I felt a bit cheated here because, I was told by the anesthetist I shouldn't feel much, and I had the impression that I was on full dosage.

There was a bit of commotion in my room, the nurse started to use the tube to clear my urine, and my gynae walked in around 10pm. Started telling me she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

It then happened really fast as per my hubby and felt like a lifetime for me as I was shivering uncontrollably. She told me I had to start pushing, the nurse told me I shouldn't scream, so everyone were going PUSH and I had to 'gek' my stomach muscles, shiver, and push at the same time.

Lucky for us, after 4 to 5 pushes, Baby Janine arrived looking grey in colour! I continued to shiver for another 30 mins. Didn't know I was not supposed to drink after that, had some milo and threw up.

The next day, Janine turned from grey to blue black. :p I woke up with severe soreness, cramps and felt like I did a lot of situps. It's really an experience for me ever since the delivery. I guess you really have to go through it to understand how it really feels.

We got discharged yesterday and Janine is already crying through the night. We're trying to cope with it although I do feel really helpless sometimes especially when I have issues latching her. I suppose the power of Mummy and Daddy is really strong when it comes to managing the little new monster.


2 weeks on and we have experience the different temperament of Baby Janine. She can be sweet, coy, demanding, shrieking loud at any time. Well, the happy thing is we engaged a shifu to count her chinese characters and he said that her bazi is really good. Apparently she has chosen to come out on a good date and time naturally while others have to do it via c-sect. :p She will bring luck to daddy and is quite likely to marry someone good. :p

I guess we are happy that her life has been laid out for her, and hope that everything will go on smoothly for her.